Homeopathy for insomnia after physical, mental or nervous exertion exertion
Insomnia is the result of overworking the body. The patient is too tired to sleep. He complained about muscle soreness.
Dosage : Take 5 capsules of Arnica 9 CH at bedtime
Potassium Phosphorus
Patients taking potassium phosphate suffer from insomnia due to mental fatigue, overwork, or worry. He is nervous and catches a cold easily. Eating is good for him.
Homeopathic remedies for insomnia associated with chronic sleep deprivation
Cocculus indicus therapy is for people who feel too tired to sleep, such as those who stay up all night caring for others, or who experience jet lag during a long trip. Patients feel weak, irritable, and dizzy. The fresh air had a bad influence on him.
Homeopathic medicines for insomnia associated with stimulant substance abuse
Insomnia is caused by drinking too much coffee, or taking sleeping pills or drugs. The image corresponding to Nuxy is that of an angry, authoritarian person who tends to abuse food and drink.
Homeopathic Remedies Linked to Insomnia and Scary Thoughts
Insomnia stems from terrible experiences. While falling asleep, the patient experiences stress or panic attacks. He wakes up at night with palpitations, feeling like he’s had a nightmare. He was restless and very thirsty. Her skin was hot and dry.
Dosage : 5 capsules of Aconitum 15 CH at bedtime