The prevalence of back pain is so high that it has been hailed as the disease of the 21st century. Its causes and symptoms can vary, but the most prevalent is low back pain, a usually harmless lower back condition. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of people experience low back pain at some point. Discover Natural Back Pain Relief
Osteopathy, the treatment of choice for back pain
Osteopathy is a therapy that uses palpation of the body to detect tension or imbalances that lead to discomfort and disease. Its use is widely recognized for relieving back pain.
Chiropractic includes exercises in the cervical, back, and lumbar regions, as well as other areas of the body, to align the vertebrae, release blockages, and restore physiological balance.
Massage therapy is a type of massage therapy whose main purpose is to promote relaxation (muscle and nerves), blood and lymphatic circulation, absorption and digestion of food, detoxification, or proper functioning of vital organs. So it has many areas of action, such as reducing anxiety or reducing the risk of perineal injury during childbirth, but it can also help with lower back pain.
Acupuncture is one of the five branches of Chinese medicine. It is designed to strengthen the self-regulating and healing processes that do not work well when the body is under attack. Stimulating certain acupuncture points — usually with needles — can treat a variety of problems, including back pain.
A group of 32 studies conducted in 2013 attempted to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture for low back pain. In general, acupuncture significantly reduces pain in patients compared with a placebo. Compared with drugs (NSAIDs, analgesics) and usual care, the difference was significant but too small to constitute clinical evidence that acupuncture is superior to usual care.
Yoga for back relaxation
Yoga, like several other techniques, is part of a mind-body approach. It is a method of personal development and the science of spiritual practice. Mind-body therapy has the advantage of helping patients manage stress better, relax and maintain a positive attitude, which can help relieve chronic pain. In addition to helping with asthma, improving cardiovascular health, and more, discipline relaxes the back and is therefore good for lower back pain.
In a 2014 study, 95 adults aged 20 to 64 with low back pain received one or two 75-minute yoga classes per week for 12 weeks. According to a questionnaire they had to fill out, yoga reduced the participants’ low back pain regardless of group, pain intensity, age or even gender.
In another 2015 study designed to compare the cost-effectiveness of several treatments, 159 participants with low back pain were divided into 3 groups: 52 in the yoga group, 52 in the “exercise” group, and 55 people in a set of self-care tips. After 6 weeks of observation, it turned out that yoga showed the most interesting cost-benefit ratio for low back pain compared to the other two treatments.
Tai Chi Relieves Acute Low Back Pain
Tai Chi is a form of physical training that originated in China as part of a mind-body approach. This practice is designed to improve flexibility, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and maintain physical, mental and spiritual health. Therefore, this will help reduce lower back pain.